6th November 2020
Cultural Production in the Migration Society
2nd International Workshop Osnabrück/Online
The KultMIX-team present their research so far and discuss their findings with a group of international migration researchers.
Cultural Production in the Migration Society
2nd International Workshop Osnabrück/Online
The KultMIX-team present their research so far and discuss their findings with a group of international migration researchers.
Do the artistic and cultural activities of immigrants and their descendants change national cultures? A theoretical and methodolocial reflection
The KultMIX-team present two main question topics within the conference: how to research ‘cultural change’ in migrations societies and why culture changes but cultural institutions not?
Presentation at the 17th IMISCOE annual conference, online.
Cultural Production in the Migration Society
Rikke Gram presents the KultMIX research project to the Culture Committee of the city of Osnabrück: Cultural administration in Osnabrück as the focus of research.
Real World Labs & KultMIX – A Field Report on Irritations between Theory and Practice
Presentation at the 5th Dortmund Conference for Spatial and Planning Research (Joanna Jurkiewicz und Lars Bädeker).
IMISCOE Standing Committee DIVCULT Meeting
First meeting of the new standing committee DIVCULT, on the relevance of art and culture for diversity in Europe and beyond. The meeting took place in Brussels (Rikke Gram und Jens Schneider).
BMBF-Conference 2019 in Bonn
Research projects within the funding line “Migration and Social Transformation”, exchange of research achievements and experiences of participatory research (Jens Schneider).
Henry Arnhold Dresden Summer School 2019: The Struggle for the Truth. Institutions of Culture in Polarized Societies
The summer school was hosted by TU Dresden in cooperation with multiple cultural institutions from Dresden. It focused on how museums and libraries are coping with societal polarization and their role in it as spaces for social and political debates (Lars Bädeker).
KultMIX – Immigration to and Diversity in German Cultural Institutions, Practices and Politics: What do we know and what are the Issues?
The KultMIX-team present research results: among others about migrants and their offspring as target group of cultural programs, the consideration of social milieus within the ongoing research, audience development and the promotion of culture, as well as on the term culture itself, its interpretations and the demand of cultural offers.
Presentation at the IMISCOE annual conference, Malmö.
International Workshop, KultMIX – Cultural Production in Migration Society
Main discussion topics: crisis of German/national “self-definition”, ethnic elements (“Where are you from?”), migration/integration paradigm, migration-induced demographic change, debates on the role of cultural institutions in Germany in diverse societies.
Among other participants: Collette Cork-Hurst (Arts Council England), Janine Dahinden (Université de Neuchâtel), Alexandra Karentzos (TU Darmstadt).
Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS), University of Osnabrück.
International Workshop with Prof. Peggy Levitt (Wellesley College, Boston/ European University Institute, Florence)
With Peggy Levitt’s concepts being central to the discussion, the workshop helped to develop new perspectives on the project’s topics and research locations.
Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS), University of Osnabrück.
KultMIX Real World Lab Hamburg: Postcolonial Perspectives, Migration and Diversity in Culture
Jens Schneider presents the KultMIX research project. Discussion with potential partner institutions from the culture and theatre scene in Hamburg.
Agency for Culture and Media, Hamburg.
BMBF-Network Meeting in Bonn: “Migration and Social Transformation”
The meeting aimed at a first presentation of and contact between the 23 projects that are part of the funding line. Common research interests and methodological approaches were identified, encouraging networking and exchange amongst the projects. As an outcome BMBF initiated the formation of a working group focusing on real world labs as research method. KultMIX has been asked to take on the coordination for this working group (Jochen Oltmer).
Workshop of the Standing Committee POPADIVCIT (Popular Culture and Arts in Diverse Cities) at the Annual IMISCOE Conference in Barcelona
Presentation of the KultMIX-project (Jens Schneider).